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Robotic news

The Robots Are Coming

There's plenty of talk that robots can act as replacements for employees in office but we should see them as your "Digital Assistant" who will assist you in handling manual , repetitive  and boring tasks like filling an excel or form, reading pdf, collect data, sending emails, etc. A1 Smart Ltd can help you to build these Digital Assistants for your employees based on your needs. You have to only tell what tasks you dont want your employees to waste their time on it.

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Robots can be of two type - Soft Robots and Physical [Hard] Robots. Both are a beautiful concept which in in your hand to design and implement. Create your Concept / Creation / Avatar through us


Technology has advanced beyond our imagination. Today smart phone in our hands have technology more then a space ship landed on moon 1st time in 1969. Same with AI and Robotics and we know all these technologies to provide you benefits from it.

AI Robots

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are continuing to transform our world. Robots will be assistant to not only employees at work, students at schools, old people at home but many more which is out of our immaginations.

1. The Internet

The Internet of Things has long been talked about amongst tech insiders as the next big innovation in home technology. 

2. Automation

While large-scale innovation in automation has traditionally been limited to the production side of society

3. Cryptocurrency

After Bitcoin’s meteoric price jump in 2017, major tech players have begun to take cryptocurrencies seriously.

4. Blockchain

Blockchain, the decentralized ledger that holds together cryptocurrencies, has applications reaching

5. AI

Artificial intelligence is seeing the light and applications of the technology are already being worked on

5 Future Technologies That Will Be Mainstream

Tech companies rang in the start of the new year by unveiling some of their ambitious plans for the coming months. Startups and multinational companies alike are beginning to feel the ripple effects of innovation in the industry, with technology becoming more intertwined in everyday lives each year.

As 2018 progresses, here are 5 future technologies you can expect to reach the public in the next couple of years